More Ai Creations and a bit to read.

Over the past year, I’ve had alot fun playing around with different AI tools to create images for advertising my Radio Show. And some also just for fun. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned professional, AI offers endless creative possibilities, and it’s easier than you might think to get started. Most of you here already know about and have explored the Free Ai tools Section that Tony has provided. If not, then I must tell you that its worth poking around at least. All are very useful in some way, depending on what it is you want to use Ai for. Huge Thank You Tony, for opening up this opportunity for  all of us!

In my last 2 posts, I shared images that I drew and then regenerated with an Ai program on my phone. Today I want to share a some images, not drawn by me, but generated completely with Ai using a program on my PC. Sometimes these images are exactly how I want them to be. Other times I take them and put them into my Photo Editor. This adds the artistic flare I’m looking for and makes them feel more like my own creation. If you think about it, Ai generated images actually are your own creation. Because, it’s essentially generating all the ideas & concepts from your own imagination.

The First 2 images I generated and left unedited. They have my Slogan ” Music is Life, Live out Loud” on them. The Second & third image is a basic Ai generation My Sound Guy created and then sent to me to Edit. His idea & concept where spot on!  You’ll see the Before and after. The 4th image is one that I generated, then edited, adding different  effects, words & my DJ Signature.
I have so many images/Ads that I’ve created over the last year, that I personally think are cool. But, I can’t put them all in this post…lol

About the author: DJLola
I am an online DJ & Founder/Co owner of Retro Rules Radio. I I do all my own Marketing & Advertisement. I love making Ads, Slogans, working on/editing computer graphics & making ad videos. I'm a closet geek & am having a lot of fun since I've discovered AI. I also write, poetry, quotes & am currently working a couple books. I play piano by ear and tend to get lost in the music from time to time.

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