Author Digital Companions -$497 Lifetime, or subscription options

$19.00$0.00 / month and a $197.00 Training Fee

Interactive book companion for author’s books, providing deeper dives into the books. Enables readers to engage in thoughtful discussions about the book, analyze characters, themes, and historical context, and facilitate book club discussions. Offers insights into the author’s perspectives, and provides a richer understanding of the book. Also available for non-fiction books. – “Wow, I never thought of it digested to such a refined distinction. Yes, that is it. Thanks for this revelation. I am hot to get going. I am specially hot after reading your AI Companion’s summary. Incredible. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Wow!” – LDS


One-time Lifetime license: $497
Monthly subscription: $197 training and setup fee, plus $19 per month for upgrades, maintenance and hosting
Annual subscription: $197 training and setup fee, plus $190 per year for upgrades, maintenance and hosting (2 months free)


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