Welcome to the AI Connection Club, a welcoming and interactive community centered around AI, where members can learn, share knowledge, stay updated, and support each other.

Webinar replays

These will soon be only available for community members - membership is free!
Sign up at the left panel. Best to watch these full-screen using the box at the bottom right of the videos. You can download the slides at the bottom of this page.

AI 101 Part 1 - What AI Can Do For Artists and Entrepreneurs

AI 101 Part 2 - How to talk to the machines to get the best results

AI 101 PART 3 - Amazing images and video generations

AI 101 PART 4 - Other useful AI tools

AI 101 PART 5 - The Power of Custom AI Assistants

AI 101 Part 6 - Live Interactive Q & A Workshop where attendees ask questions and get AI tools demonstrated

AI For Authors

AI 101 PART 1 - 30-minute excerpt of key points

AI ART, THE BAD AND THE GOOD (surprising reveal at 2:39)

More videos being added soon.