I saw Tony’s “AI for Authors” seminar almost a year ago now, back in April 2024 at a local library. It blew my mind. And this is coming from a person that’s worked in the high-tech computer field since 1981 (originally in the U.S. Navy). I’ve also taught myself programming languages, computer-aided-design software programs and a lot more — almost all by myself. I did get little bits of help, here and there, that helped me with a bit of data and then I just ran with it!
And, sure enough, I’ve done a similar thing working with artificial intelligence just based on Tony’s seminar. With ChatGPT’s help, I’ve written one personal program plus three or four programs to help me at my day job as well.
And, about six weeks ago, I taught myself how to create a custom GPT with ChatGPT. Took some trial and error, but it was a very good learning experience.
And, in talking with a person last week that didn’t know anything about ChatGPT or the other artificial intelligence oriented web sites. They asked how they could learn more about it. I looked at the problem and I said, “Well, go to ChatGPT.com or one of the other artificial intelligence web sites and ask it (or them) how they could help you.” They’ll get a response about what things the artificial intelligence could help someone with. From there, a person will ask questions or give the artificial intelligence information about their interests, hobbies, job and on which will result in the person using the artificial intelligence to help them learn and know more about artificial intelligence.
It’s like a Jerry Maguire (movie) “Help me, help you…” with the artificial intelligence asking you to help it help you, of course. Hope this helps!