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AI: GOOD future, or BAD future?

3 months agoopen0

The people who are currently members of this site are those on the “bleeding edge” of interest in AI (I’m one of them). Because of that, I follow popular as well as obscure articles and essays about AI.

Lately there has broken out a debate over the FUTURE of AI (is it really as “big” as some say?) and the EFFECT of AI (will its adoption really be as widespread as some say, and will its impact be overall GOOD or BAD).

Supposing that everyone else here are as interested, I call your attention to the following essays (aka “salvos”) in the debate.

1. AI’s effect will be GOOD (by Sam Altman): “I believe the future is going to be so bright that no one can do it justice by trying to write about it now; a defining characteristic of the Intelligence Age will be massive prosperity.” Read it all at https://ia.samaltman.com/

2. AI’s effect will be BAD (by “Simplicius” at Dark Futura): “The fact is, most of the hype around AI is a deliberate showman’s spectacle all for the sake of juicing up maximum venture capital investment during the peak bubble phase, when the honeymoon mania of excitement blinds the masses to the chintzy reality behind the outward velvet facade.” Read it all at https://darkfutura.substack.com/p/the-road-to-ai-utopia-paved-with

3. AI’s effect will be GOOD (by Dario Amodei): “I think that most people are underestimating just how radical the upside of AI could be….In this essay I try to sketch out what that upside might look like—what a world with powerful AI might look like if everything goes right.” Read it all at https://darioamodei.com/machines-of-loving-grace

4. AI’s impact will be BAD (by Curtis Yarvin): “Here is the massive negative externality of AI: the political impact of universal UBI. The future is a new wave of dangerously incompetent, arbitrarily cruel, distributed bureaucratic despotism.” Read it all at https://graymirror.substack.com/p/sam-altmans-lamplighter


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