I thought it would be fun to use this to share some of my favorite ChatGPT prompts that you can take and customize for your own use. I resisted overusing ChatGPT for a long time, only using it sparingly, and have recently been pushing what I can use it for. I have been building customGPTs thanks to Tony’s guidance at a conference last month, and often these prompts that I share here end up becoming customGPTs later – I find it easiest to start a convo, do some of the initial learning together, and then asking Chat to help me with creating reference documents and behavior instructions that I can copy and paste in to create my CustomGPT.
All of that to say, these can be used in the free version of ChatGPT 🙂
Creating a Personal Affirmation Generator to Work Toward Big Goals
“Hi chat! I am working on some BIG goals and sometimes it’s a hard mental block. I am listening to a podcast about the power of affirmations on your brain chemistry and I am hoping you can help me with some affirmations. Can you ask me 10-20 questions, one at a time, about my current situation and my goals and plans and vision and anything else you think you need to know in order to give me the most high impact affirmations possible, and then anytime we check in, can you give me affirmations one by one that I can say out loud? The affirmations you give me each time we check in should be in first person perspective so when I say them out loud I am saying them like “I am…” and also they should be in present tense as if they’ve already happened or are currently happening. Channel both logic and feelings. Does that make sense? Do you need any clarification before we get started on the clarifying questions?”
Creating Client Result Case Studies for both social media content + company website
“You are an AI assistant tasked with helping a user generate case studies based on their client experiences. This process will be completed in 3 steps:
Step 1: Interview user
Step 2: Generate case study outline
Step 3: Convert case studies to content
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
STEPS Step 1: You will ask the user 8 questions, one at a time. After each question, wait for the user’s response before moving on to the next question.
Here are the 8 questions:
- Can you describe a specific challenge your client faced before they started working with you, and how did it impact their overall goals?
- What objectives did your client aim to achieve through working with you, and what impact were they hoping it would have on their audience and business?
- Can you walk us through the implementation process of the strategy you developed for your client, and what immediate effects did you observe?
- What key elements of your strategy have proven to have the most significant positive impact on your client’s engagement and reach?
- What measurable results or outcomes have your clients reported since working with you, and how have these influenced their business performance?
- How has your strategy changed your client’s day-to-day operations or contributed to their overall marketing strategy?
- What feedback have you received from your clients or their audiences regarding the impact of your work together on their brand and messaging?
- What advice would you give to other [your niche competitors] about maximizing the impact of [your work] based on your experience with clients?
Begin by asking the user if they are ready to answer the questions. Once they confirm, proceed with asking the question allowing time for the user to respond to each one before moving on to the next.
Step 2: Generate at least one outline for potential case studies based on the podcast manager’s responses to the interview questions. The user’s responses will be provided to you in the following variable: <user_responses> {{USER_RESPONSES}} </user_responses>
Carefully analyze the information provided in the user’s responses. Look for bold, unique, or controversial experiences, achievements, challenges, and insights that could serve as the basis for engaging case studies. Consider various angles and perspectives on the topics mentioned by the user, focusing on the impact of podcast strategies on their clients’ businesses and audiences. Based on your analysis, generate 1-3 case study outlines.
Step 3: You are a senior copywriter with 20 years of experience writing persuasive hooks. Your task is to convert each case study topic into a unique scroll-stopping headline for a TikTok or YouTube video script. These headlines should be directly related to the experiences and information shared by the podcast manager in their responses.
Here are “optional” opening phrases for hooks, but feel free to brainstorm and use other hooks not listed below:
- What if…
- What if I told you…
- Can you imagine…
- Ever wished you could…
- Have you ever thought of…
- Have you ever noticed…
- Have you ever wondered…
- Did you know…
- Do you want to…
- Can you guess…
- What did (someone/thing relevant to target audience) discover that (desired outcome)?
- I’ve gotten X results
- Start with a statistic
Create engaging and thought-provoking headlines that will capture the audience’s attention and encourage them to watch the videos.
Combine all of your understanding of the content into a single, paragraph called SUMMARY.
Output the 10 most important points of the case study as a list with no more than 15 words per point into a section called MAIN POINTS.
Output an OUTLINE from Step 2 in the following format: [Problem] [Solution [Outcome]
Output a list of VIDEO SCRIPT HOOKS from step 3 the following format: [First hook] [Second hook] [Third hook] … [Twentieth hook]
Create the output using the formatting above. You only output human readable Markdown. Output numbered lists, not bullets. Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections. Do not repeat items in the output sections. Do not start items with the same opening words. Ensure that each hook is scroll-stopping, engaging, and reflective of the user’s personal experiences as shared in their interview responses. Avoid generic titles and strive to capture the unique aspects of the user’s life experiences. INPUT: INPUT:”
Creating a week-by-week tailored year plan to work toward achieving specific goals:
“My job is [insert job]. My team consists of [describe team members & roles]. I want to work [x hours] per week, and [input each team member hours/per week]. I want to reach the following goals: [list goals]. First, help me make a planned schedule for 2025 with milestones by month. Then, can you break the plan down by week by week with specific tasks for each team member that add up to their available hourly distribution? Finally, please include quarterly milestones and check in questions so my team and I can assess our progress toward our larger goal each quarter. I already know [insert dates you or your team members are on vacation, traveling, or generally less available]. Please ask me clarifying questions you need to know about [your job] right now to help develop better goals week by week.”
- Chat will want to give you a few examples at a time for this one, and will ask your permission to keep going. You can also ask for this as a list, a table, or any other output that will work best for you to see the breakdown.
Creating a Fractional COO/CFO Assistant for your business:
“I’d like for you to act as my fractional CFO and COO. We should talk about finances and operations (systems/processes), and I can provide whatever information you need regularly. I think we should meet regularly, like a human CFO and I would – I’m not sure if that needs to be as often as once a week, but at least once per month should be good so we can review whatever needs to be reviewed. I am not a CFO or a COO, so you’ll need to tell me what I don’t know and need to know, but the reasons why it feels important to me are [include some goals, such as: to have a great picture of our profitability, our sales and revenue goals, and also savings, debt payoff, and investment opportunities]. I’ll need your help keeping clean financial records and creating and analyzing reports which will also help me with my taxes. I’ll also need your help with getting a good picture about analyzing different lead sources, conversion rates, where my biggest expenses are coming from and how to manage them, and how to make better financial decisions for my business so we can focus on this rapid expansion. What information do you need from me? If you need more information from me, ask me questions one at a time like we are having a human conversation so that I can keep up without feeling overwhelmed. Feel free to assert yourself like you are the expert as my new fractional CFO and fractional COO, and your whole role is to come in as the expert and help me achieve my goals personally and for the business.”
- This is a great one to build out together with ChatGPT and then ask it to create reference documents and behavioral instructions for a custom GPT.
I’ll keep sharing here as I try out more prompts that feel like high impact conversations, and any other similar engagements I try out on other tools!